



A Hair Transplant Surgeon Gets Eyebrow Transplantation


Meagan Good, Chrissy Tiegen and I are all in a club and it’s the happy patient eyebrow transplant club. We all had hairs taken from the back of our head and placed carefully in our eyebrows to create natural, permanent healthy-looking eyebrows. We also are all three on social media telling the world about it. Meagan and Chrissy came to FUE eyebrow transplant after admitting to over-plucking in the 90’s (Pamela Anderson much?) but my brows were just getting thin all over but especially towards the outside (that’s usually from too many birthdays and sometimes from thyroid). I also wanted to take the opportunity to create a little bit more arch and symmetry to my brows.


We’ve been doing loads of eyebrow transplants ever since Chrissy first published hers on Insta and I started developing my own brow envy. Last Friday, in my office doing transplants all day, I got the itch.  I had my brows microbladed a few years back and the results were good, but up close, you could tell it wasn’t natural. My makeup artist friends agree: even with the best technicians, over time, the color fades and can appear unnatural. Microblading is great (it was definitely better than my natural brows) but it’s semi-permanent and needs touching up every so often – about every 18 months for most people.  My transplant procedure was basically just to place hairs over the microbladed area for more natural results, but I also took the opportunity to make sure that my face-framers were as symmetric and aesthetically pleasing as they could possibly be.


The procedure took about four hours and I did it after work on a Friday. I’ve got a tiny little shaved place on the back of my head that you can’t see at all with my hair down or even with a ponytail. The procedure was painless (my technician used a little vibrating device near the injections to lessen the sensation) and afterwards I was swollen but only needed Advil for minor discomfort. I was swollen when I woke up the next day around my eyes and the forehead but actually headed out to an NFL game (it was the playoffs) with paparazzi blocking sunglasses and no one else the wiser.  The worst of the swelling was about 72 hours and I was back at work (sunglasses-free) the following Monday. It can definitely be considered a long weekend procedure unless you have to be on camera or on stage.


The aftercare has been easy. I am basically leaving the grafts open to the air and being careful not to rub or touch them. The donor sites were a little tender the first night but I had no problem sleeping on it. The new hairs itch as they heal so you have to careful not to scratch. It’s Day 3 and I’m already getting compliments: “your makeup looks so good!” even though my grafts, up close, are a still a little scabby.


I expect the grafts and the little scabs to fall out within the first week and the new hairs to start growing in the next few months. My full results will take about nine months to a year to get all the the new follicles comfortable, situated and basically in sync with their growth cycles. The grafts will grow like head hair so I’ll need to trim them more frequently than regular brows – maybe every week or two. But that’s an easy trade-off for having natural looking, healthy brows forever and I’m already looking forward to throwing away my eyebrow pencil forever. If you’d like to learn more or for a free consultation, call 901.800.6638.

Dry Eye and Aesthetics have been natural additions to the offerings of Eye Clinics but it is not easy.  What technologies do you offer?  How do you diagnosis and treat Dry Eye effectively? I want to offer aesthetics but what do I need to know?  We answer these and many other questions for the beginners and the seasoned veterans.  During the conference we lecture and treat patients giving attendees real knowledge that they can use in clinic the next day. Participants have incorporated several technologies in their clinic and have had the ability to utilize our doctors and staff as a resource throughout the year to answer questions.  Drs. Melissa and Rolando Toyos have been traveling nationally and internationally training doctors on the technologies, medicines, and practice management used in our clinic.  Several clinics want to provide their patients with effective dry eye treatments and facial rejuvenation but do not know where to start or they have tried but have failed.  We bring 40 years of combined experience and can guide a doctor and her staff in the right direction. 

Topics covered but limited to:
Intense Pulse Light for Dry Eye and Aesthetics

Facial Rejuvenation with Lasers and Medical Grade Skin Care

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP for DED, Hair, Rejuvenation

Ivermectin Plus

Low Level Light Treatment

Hair Restoration

Cequa, Optimel, Oculocin and other meds

Diet, Supplements, Skin Care

Confocal Microscopy and Oculus


Friday night Dinner Lecture
Saturday two different time slots for Hands On Clinic Workshop

The fees this year 200 dollars for doctors and 100 dollars for health care professionals. Payment reserves your spot.  We keep this meeting at a certain capacity so spots are limited.  Contact Nikki or 901-683-7255 

TAD Conference Address
150 W 58th St #1C
New York, NY 10019