

Lose your double chin without surgery


One of my most popular procedures during the “Zoom Boom” is the “chin fixer”, Kybella, which is approved to permanently melt away fat and tighten skin under your chin.

How does it work?  Deoxycholic acid is essentially a component of bile, which is produced in your liver, stored in your gallbladder and released into your stomach to break down the fat that you eat.  When Kybella is injected directly into pockets of fat, it destroys the fat cells there permanently. After 2-4 treatments patients will see a lose of the majority of the fat and see some skin tightening.  We see that younger patients need fewer treatments and older patients need more frequent treatments.

So who’s a good candidate?  Anyone who purposely holds their head in an unnatural way to avoid the appearance of a double chin in selfies or on Zoom calls, men who have begun to despise tight collars and neckties, or anyone who has inherited the tendency for a double chin from family members. Kybella is perfect for mild to moderate double chin.

Treatments are done in office and range from $800 to $1,800 per session depending on the amount of medication required.  The average number of treatments is 2-4 but up to 6 may be required for larger amounts of fat. Topical numbing medicine is injected prior to treatment. Side effects include swelling at the site of injection, bruising, pain at the site of injection, and numbness.  Like liposuction, fat is permanently removed but unlike liposuction, patients experience less bruising and swelling and are able to resume normal activities more quickly.

If your double chin is interfering with your social life, your work life or your ability to take good selfies, check out Kybella today to see if it might be right for you.  You can have a free consultation with our Facial Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Melissa Toyos.  Dr. Toyos is the pioneer of the Mixto Laser Lift.