IPL – Fotofacials

With Intense Pulse Light (IPL) 

Dr. Rolando Toyos is one of the pioneers of the use of IPL for the treatment of various skin conditions and dry eye. He has been doing IPL research for over a decade.  It has long been known that IPL can improve sun damaged skin, dark spots, redness, acne and aging skin. Sun damage, dark spots, redness, aging skin. IPL technology uses a specific wavelength of light that penetrates that superficial layers of the skin down to the deeper layers where the problems originate.

Sometimes called a Photofacial, the skin is rejuvenated without surgery or downtime. The term SmoothGlo refers to the use of IPL at the 3 different settings along with RF Microneedling to optimize the skin’s appearance. Some have referred to it as a Fotofacial. Dr. Toyos helped develop the latest IPL technology that he currently utilizes.